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This website is dedicated to the support of academic whistleblowers and victims of university management misconduct

Here is the link to and here is the link to GoFundMe

I am thinking of my former colleague at Imperial College London, Professor Stefan Grimm, who had been a witness to my own persecution as a whistleblower and referred to it in correspondence before he killed himself. 1, 2 While his is an extreme case there are numerous colleagues who have suffered severe impact on their mental health and careers and there are serious consequences for student education (more links to follow).

This website is intended to serve current colleagues and victim-survivors of management misconduct at Australian and other universities.

When academic values such as honesty and integrity become unenforceable, universities are lost for society with dire consequences for democracy. This development poses a vital threat to society at times when good universities are needed to control A.I. 3, 4 Therefore, the problem is of great general and international interest.

Many universities have become focused on making money from international students leading to management positions being taken over by weak academics who are focused on personal gain 5. However, it is not logically possible to serve two masters, i.e., money and the pursuit of academic principles.

I have become a whistleblower twice:

First, as the Professor of Neuropathology and founding Chairman of the University Department of Neuropathology at Imperial College London, U.K. (the case reference can be found here 6).

This case was about fraud involving manipulated credit allocations in a brain banking environment, and not, as incorrectly reported by Times Higher Education at the time, manipulated work allocations (which would have been absurd). The British Medical Association (BMA) offered support to win the case. Great thanks to them.

Second, in my role as President of the University of Sydney Association of Professors (USAP) and President of the Australian Association of University Professors (AAUP). I am also a co-founder of Public Universities Australia (PUA).

The following details about the current case are so far in the public domain

These proceedings are ongoing and if you want to support our fight for justice you can donate via GoFundMe. We are working towards the establishment of an Academic Defense Union (ADU) in Australia as there is no such support for academics at present. I was warned but trusted the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) until they let me down.

Additional thoughts and resources